My name hendra Lutfi, 21 years old, I am a model from Indonesia.
I really liked the world of entertainment, especially the model, I hope I am successful in my career
and one day become a famous model. professionals and the totality of the work is very important to me,
I always wanted to give the best of me when I'm doing my job as a model photo shoot.
if I work optimally, professional, then the photo will look good, and if they like the results of the image,
it is a happiness and pride for me.
I really liked the world of entertainment, especially the model, I hope I am successful in my career
and one day become a famous model. professionals and the totality of the work is very important to me,
I always wanted to give the best of me when I'm doing my job as a model photo shoot.
if I work optimally, professional, then the photo will look good, and if they like the results of the image,
it is a happiness and pride for me.